Capital Football is pleased to present an overview of the findings from the Youth Football Review conducted in 2019. Following changes to the youth football landscape in 2018, the purpose of the review was to study the overall offering provided to youth players throughout the region. The review had a strict focus on the player who just wants to play the game – the “90%”, whilst considering the effects on those in Talent Development Programme environments.
As part of the process, a survey was sent out to stakeholders involved in the youth game and we were delighted by the uptake with 871 individuals responding. Capital Football would like to thank all coaches, administrators (club and college), referees, parents and most importantly players who took the time to complete the survey. The high volume of responses shows the appetite for positive change in the youth game.
Alongside the survey, 17 targeted interviews were conducted with key members of the youth sporting landscape across the country. This included local clubs, councils, other sporting codes, community representatives, notable sporting figures, New Zealand Football and College Sport Wellington. Capital Football is incredibly grateful to the many people who took the time to be interviewed and provide their considered thoughts to the process.
Capital Football is indebted to the members of the Youth Football Review Working Group who collated the findings of the study together into a clear set of recommendations. These were all unanimously approved by the Capital Football Board at the end of 2019. The Youth Football Review Working Group was Chaired by Jamie Milne, NZF Community Development Manager and included members from each of the Advisory Groups and representation of the club Talent Development Programme.
The findings are presented alongside this release and Capital Football believes they provide a great blueprint for working to develop the youth game and ultimately keep young people engaged in sport over the long-term. This is timely with the Youth Football Review sitting alongside the key messages being delivered via Sport New Zealand’s ‘Balance is Better’ campaign which is currently being promoted with the ‘Keep up with the play’ initiative.
Federation Development Manager, Steeve Sharpe commented “Capital Football is fully aware that action needs to be delivered in the youth football space to keep more young people engaged in the game. The Youth Football Review is a significant stake in the ground to make clear our intent to make a difference and move forward, with a body of evidence provided by the local football community and beyond to support it.”
Sharpe continued “we are excited to work through the recommendations set out in the review document. This will begin immediately with some key messages ahead of the forthcoming season. Players, parents and coaches will notice some subtle changes to help align the youth game and assist in providing clarity around the pathway.”
Concluding Sharpe stated “there are a number of recommendations included within the Youth Football Review and Capital Football is under no illusion it will take a period of time to work through everything included. An operational timeline has been established which Capital Football will work through.”
The Youth Football Review recommendations were presented to the Capital Football Board towards the end of 2019 an unanimously approved. Further information regarding the Youth Football Review will be released as we work through the recommendations.
Capital Football Youth Review Update Document
Article added: Friday 13 March 2020