Please see the below updates regarding football in the Capital following the Government's announcement to move to Alert Level 2.
JUNIOR FOOTBALL | U7 to U12 grades
For the weekend of the 15th and 16th of August, ALL CAPITAL FOOTBALL JUNIOR COMPETITIONS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED INCLUDING CAPITAL FOOTBALL FESTIVALS FOR U7-U8. This is regardless of any Alert Level updates from the Government expected on Friday.
Due to the large numbers of players, volunteers, parents/caregivers and supporters at festivals and games, we believe the safest option is to hold off on taking the fields this weekend.
However, if we are to stay at Alert Level 2 for an extended period of time, we do intend on playing Junior Football. We believe taking this weekend to take stock and plan what that looks like is the safest option and will have us all in a better place for Junior football next weekend should we be able to restart at that point.
YOUTH FOOTBALL | U13 to U18 grades
For this Friday the 14th and the weekend of the 15th and 16th of August, all Youth Football will go ahead as scheduled and follow the normal cancellation process.
For the weekend of the 15th and 16th of August, all Senior Football will go ahead as scheduled and follow the normal cancellation process.
If we are to stay in Alert Level 2 (update expected Friday), all Alert Level 2 Guidelines must be in place, including:
Please take this time to remind your club members of these guidelines and put them in place in case we do stay at Alert Level 2. Checklist are attached to help you get ready for games at alert level 2.
If we move back to Alert Level 1 (update expected Friday);
Contact tracing and gathering restrictions are not required, however, please be mindful and practice good hygiene at all times.
Trainings whilst we are at Alert Level 2 can continue as long as proper guidelines are in place and followed including contact tracing, proper hygiene practices and max gatherings of 100 people.
Please be vigilant on these points and refer back to the checklist and guidelines found here
Contact tracing is a requirement at Alert Level 2 and must be in place for all football activities.
We strongly suggest that our football community uses the Government recommended contact tracing app, the NZ COVID TRACER. This can be found on the App store or Google Play.
The New Zealand Football recommended contact tracing tool is IDME so we also suggest having this in place for all football activity.
IDME creates ground codes that the football community input into their IDME App to log their activity.
The Capital Football Ground Codes are available on our website, and the IDME app is free to download from the App store or Google play.
We will continue to update you with new information as it becomes available and we thank you for your patience through this uncertain time. Please refer to the resources on our Covid Updates web page for information at training and playing under Alert Level 2.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Capital Football team at