Following the update regarding football in the Capital for the coming weekend, we want to touch base with a couple of follow up messages.
We understand the decision to cancel this weekend’s Junior football is disappointing for all involved.
We want to reiterate our position to assure our football community that we have gone through a thorough process, which included talking to NZ Football and counterparts at other Federations, to come to this decision.
As stated earlier, we have cancelled this weekends Junior Football, grades U7-U12 including all Fun Football Festivals, regardless of any Alert Level updates expected on Friday.
Due to the move to Alert Level 2 on Wednesday the 12th at midday we began to discuss what weekend football would look like if this were to be extended past the initial time frame of Friday the 14th at midnight.
As this weekend is a Festival Weekend, where there is an increased amount of crossovers between clubs, fields and general personnel/foot traffic at game day and because they are run slightly differently to other events, we did not feel as if three days would be a sufficient amount of time for all those involved to set up the proper requirements that are needed in Alert Level 2.
We do want to stress that if we are to stay at Alert Level 2, where there is the ability to play junior football in a managed environment, we are confident that this will be able to occur and will be doing everything we can to ensure this happens.
We have decided to make this call early in this uncertain time whilst understanding that the decision will not be agreed with by all.
We have also separated Youth and Senior football from this decision as game time cross over and pitch allocation is managed differently, allowing us to properly prepare and put in place the requirements needed.
Again we do acknowledge that this is disappointing for our Junior players, but we are confident, that by next weekend if we are still in Alert Level 2, we will all be back on the fields.
Please take best care of yourselves and we will continue to update our football community as more information comes available.
Kind regards,
The Capital Football Team
Article added: Thursday 13 August 2020