Helen Mallon Elected Chair of Capital Football

It is with great pleasure that Capital Football announce that Helen Mallon has been elected Chair of the Capital Football Board. Helen was selected at Thursday’s Board meeting with Chris James fulfilling the position of deputy chair.   

Helen has been a long-standing member of the Capital Football Board, currently in her 3rd term. As a major influence in the development of referees across the Capital region, Helen has been a member on the Referees Committee for over 10 years, and a driving force behind the Female Referee Development programme established in 2018. Helen personally holds an NZF Level 2 Referee Assessors’ qualification, is a current National Youth League Assessor, a former National Women’s League referee, and was selected to attend a FIFA Women in Football Leadership Programme in Switzerland last year. The programme’s sole aim is “to increase the number of female decision makers within football through the provision of executive education providing females with the opportunity to grow as leaders within the beautiful game”.

As a proud supporter of North Wellington, having held multiple positions on the management committee for North Wellington Juniors for 10 years and for 5 years on the North Wellington Seniors Committee, Helen steps in to the role with ample experience across a number of areas within Football. Looking to continue the longevity and development of Football in the Capital region, Helen was extremely excited to be elected and hopes to continue the solid foundations Capital Football has been built on.

“I’m absolutely honoured and proud to accept the position and I take the responsibilities of the role with the outmost care and importance.”

“I would like to personally acknowledge and thank the previous and significant contributions of Paul Houliston, who did a sterling job in the role for Capital Football, as well as Chris James, who was acting in the role following Paul’s departure in 2018.”

Helen is excited to lead a quality group of volunteers who make up the Capital Football board, the Capital Football staff, and most importantly the Football community in Wellington.

“There’s a lot going on in football, both nationally and locally and I’m truly excited to be part of leading the discussions on behalf of Capital Football. I see the Board as a collaborative unit, working towards maintaining and developing our members experience within the game and it’s truly an honour to be able to lead the group. We welcome Sola Freeman and Wendi Henderson to the Board; their individual skill sets will contribute hugely to the makeup of our membership.”

“I’d like to stress my commitment to listening to all of our stakeholders and members, the aim to continue producing positive experiences for Clubs, Players, Referees, Managers and Supporters. We’re also focused on continuing to build the game in targeted areas including piloting the NZF Diversity and Inclusion Plan and maintaining and developing the relationship between New Zealand Football and the Federations.”

We wish Helen all the best in her new role.


Helen Mallon | Chair

Chris James | Deputy Chair

Mike Hornsby

Michael Leggat

Mike Moore

Sola Freeman

Wendi Henderson


Article added: Friday 03 May 2019


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