What is Teqball?
Teqball is a football-based sport, played on a specially-curved table (the Teq table), which is attracting a new generation of athletes and amateur enthusiasts (teqers), whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration and stamina. The sport, which was created in Hungary in 2012 is a truly gender-equitable game, as the rules define that teqball shall be played between two (singles) or four players (doubles), irrespective of gender. The sport follows a points-based scoring format and can be played on various surfaces such as sand, grass, acrylic or indoors. Teqball allows players a maximum of three touches before returning the ball to the opponent, so if you can juggle a football three times, you will excel at teqball as well. Teqball is the purest use of a football, with the rule of no physical contact allowed between the players, or between the players and the table, helping eliminate the risk of impact injuries.

How did Teqball get to Wellington?

In 2022, one of our member clubs Wellington United AFC held an event to celebrate its Hungarian football roots. Soon the conversation between the Hungarian Ambassador Zsolt Hetesy and Club President John Dow turned to the sport of Teqball and the rest as they say is history. In 2023, two shipments of Teq Tables arrived into New Zealand, with a number of them earmarked for Wellington! We are very thankful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) of Hungary and the International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) who have made this happen!

Keen to become a Guardian of a Teq Table?

Expressions of Interest are now open for Clubs and High Schools to get in on the fun, and become a Guardian of a Teq Table.

You will actively assist in the promotion of Teqball and of course be in charge of safeguarding the Teq table whilst it is in your possession.

If this is something you would be interested in, please fill out the Expression of Interest Form through the link below!

Where can I play Teqball?

See below a list of Football Clubs, Sport Organisations and High Schools that are currently hosting Teqball!